

Last seen: 3 months ago

Member since May 6, 2022

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New Episode

Conditioned By Our Patterns | Breaking Free Podcast

Change is an optional, but not required.If you want better, it's up to you to do...

New Episode

Life After Recovery Intro Song

Breaking Free from recovery is more than quitting the habit, but creating a new...

Renewal Of The Mind Book Launch

Renewal Of The Mind Book Launch

Join our 28 day challenge in October! Our goal is to help build awareness for World...

Lead By Love

Lead By Love

Most of our lives, we’ve lived with or been burdened by some type of doubt. What...

Getting  Locked Out Was A Blessing

Getting Locked Out Was A Blessing

Last night I got locked out of my house while taking out the trash...

Change Is Optional

Change Is Optional

Change is optional, not required...

New Episode
Looking Through A Different Lens

Looking Through A Different Lens

What if we changed our lens to see what God has for us, not what the enemy has for...

New Episode
Expectations Of A Christian

Expectations Of A Christian

Why do people expect me to be perfect because I love God? People love sports teams,...

New Episode
Faith Is Not The Destination

Faith Is Not The Destination

Faith is not the destination, but the journey...

Stop Comparing Yourself

Stop Comparing Yourself

Stop comparing yourself to somebody who was never meant to be your standard. God...

What Is Self Love

What Is Self Love

What is self love? I'm not talking about  being selfish,  but for me it's  trying ...

New Music
Tomorrow by Jacob Bowker and God's Crew

Tomorrow by Jacob Bowker and God's Crew

What if tomorrow never came and today was about testing faith?

Emotionally Drained

Emotionally Drained

Sometimes you start fighting against the same things you should be fighting for. 

New Music
Lost and Confused by Jacob Bowker and God's Crew

Lost and Confused by Jacob Bowker and God's Crew

Lost and confused is a new song by Jacob Bowker and God's crew...

Protect Your Hearts and Mind

Protect Your Hearts and Mind

God says to protect our hearts and minds, one of the best ways is to protect what...

Motivation Of Love

Motivation Of Love

Hate can be one of the greatest motivations, but shouldn't it be love?