Cracks In The Foundation

You care about this person, and you see a potential disconnect between the love they give and receive. It's a common experience. Often, the way we experience love in our formative years shapes how we approach it later. If their primary caregivers (parents, guardians) struggled with mental health or self-worth, it can create a skewed perspective. Maybe love was shown erratically, or with conditions attached.

Cracks In The Foundation

Cracks in the Foundation

You care about this person, and you see a potential disconnect between the love they give and receive. It's a common experience. Often, the way we experience love in our formative years shapes how we approach it later. If their primary caregivers (parents, guardians) struggled with mental health or self-worth, it can create a skewed perspective. Maybe love was shown erratically, or with conditions attached.

Gentle Exploration

Here's how you can help:

➡️Open Communication: Create a safe space for open communication. Let them know you're there to listen without judgment.

➡️ Shared Experiences: Talk about your own experiences with love, both positive and negative. This can normalize their feelings and encourage self-reflection.

➡️ Focus on the Positive: Help them identify positive examples of love in their life. Maybe it was a grandparent, a teacher, or a friend.

➡️ Reframing the Narrative: Together, gently explore how their early experiences might have shaped their current understanding. Avoid negativity, focus on reframing the past as a way to build a healthier future.

Building a New Foundation

➡️ Healthy Resources: Encourage them to seek professional help, such as therapy or support groups. They can learn healthier ways to express and receive love.

➡️ Books and Articles: Share self-help resources that explore healthy relationships and attachment styles.

➡️ Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledge and celebrate their efforts to build healthy relationships.


➡️ Patience is Key: Change takes time. Be patient and supportive as they navigate this journey.

➡️ Focus on Progress: Celebrate small victories, not just major milestones.

Self-Awareness is Key

It's also important to be aware of your own limitations. If you feel overwhelmed, encourage professional help.

By working together, you can help to rebuild a stronger, healthier foundation for love.

#StongerTogether #TheFoundationOfLove