What is wisdom worth? A study of Proverbs 2 (Verses 6-11)
This is day 2 of my study on proverbs 2. This will be a shorter article as I didn't write nearly as much this day.

Welcome to Day 2 of my bible study/analysis of Proverbs 2. I know this is coming at you guys late, but I've been super busy and I've been doing my best to keep up with it. I'm just a couple days behind and already have day 3 written out, so I'm finally catching up. Anyways, here's day 2
If we truly listen to what God is telling us and keep his commands his justice will reign and we will gain a sense of wisdom, knowledge, discretion, and discernment. If we truly listen to God he will give us all of these things and more. We will become more closely guarded and if we do our best to get closer to God on a daily basis everything will work out in our favor in the end.
Questions to ponder:
- How do we uphold God's righteousness
- What does it mean to have Godly wisdom?
- How can God Change me to make me more righteous and holy?
- What's the difference between worldly justice and Godly justice?
Key Terms:
- Common Sense
- Wisdom
- Knowledge
- Discretion
- Discernment
- Righteous Judgement
Practical Application:
- Pray often
- Read the bible more often
- Listen more often
- Don't assume you know everything as only God is all knowing.
Thanks for reading today. Remember, God loves you and you matter!