What Is Self Love

What is self love? I'm not talking about  being selfish,  but for me it's  trying  to love myself for who I am.

What Is Self Love
Self Love

What is self love? I'm not talking about  being selfish,  but for me it's  trying  to love myself for who I am.

I'm trying  to grow  and be a better  person, it's important to me and  what I'm figuring out is, it's  not my problem  if people  can't  see my worth. 
I had the same problem for a long time,  I judged  or treated  people  a certain  way based on my circumstance or what I thought  of them. 
See, if you don't  set your  core values  in life, it may be hard to understand  your networth. 
Before it was easy for me,  I treated  people  how I  thought  they treated me, I still do sometimes. 
The problem  with  that is, when I do what others do to me, it decrease  my value and leaves me feeling  worthless. 
People  like to take kindness  for weakness,  my kindness is just what  it is, kindness. 
My weakness is my flesh,  most people  really  don't understand,  that if you test some people's kindness,  you may meet  their  weaknesses.
My value is not determined  by what others think or say about me, it's  determined  by what God tells  me.
It's hard to love others if you can't  love yourself.
Love the ones who are hard to love, they need it the most ❤ plus if you can do that, everyone  else is easy.