What is wisdom worth? A study of Proverbs 2 (Verse 1-5)

This is a study on Proverbs 2. Today's verses are 1-5

What is wisdom worth? A study of Proverbs 2 (Verse 1-5)
Image Credits to Ali at Life with us ~ The Wandering Workentins

Hello friends!  Starting today and within the next few days I will be writing about my study on Proverbs 2. Today we're starting with verses 1-5. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

     To start, today's verses talk about listening to wisdom and understanding. If we will seek wisdom and understanding we can begin to understand the fear of the learn and gain knowledge on God. If we will be diligent in our prayer lives, try to understand, and pray when we don't, we might better understand some of the things we hadn't understood before. To acheive these things it takes reading, studying, and comprehending the word. It also takes beingt in fellowsihp with others so that we can better commune and understand and gain wisdom better than we had before. In an article I wrote before this I wrote that God is the ultimate compass. If we follow him he will always lead us in the right direction. For God is a loving and understanding God. If we can do the things that please him we can gain the understanding that we so desire.

Key Terms:

  1. Wisdom: What is wisdom? Wisdom is the ability to perceive the true nature of a situation and to implement God's will. Worldly wisdom honors self, whereas, Godly wisdom honors God (source: https://truthappliedjs.com/definition-of-wisdom/)
  2. Fear of the Lord- Religious expression converying either devotional piety or the dread of punishment. Essentially means having faith in God. It can be positive with is obedience caused by reverance for God, or it can be negative. The negative version of this is obedience caused by the threat of divine punishment.
  3. Understanding- The ability to lift meaning out of the facts.
  4. Insight- The spritual quality that enables a person to appreciate God's mind and will in matters of behavior, truth and providence, especially where right perception is not obvious. (source: https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/dictionary-of-bible-themes/8281-insight)
  5. Knowledge- facts

Questions to ponder: 

  • What does the fear of the lord actually look like to me?
  • What knowlegde can we gain just by following God and seeking out his wisdom?
  • How can I better put this knowledge to use?
  • What are the best methods for gaining God's understanding?
  • How can I better work on understanding and listening to the wisdom God is trying to give me

Practical Application:

  1. Praying more often
  2. Reading my bible and doing more studying
  3. Be in contact with fellow Christians

Thank you for joining me on this journey and I hope this can help you learn to gain more from God's knowledge and better understand who God is as a father, anchor, and friend!

Go in peace, 
