Gratitude for the Lord
This is my review of the song Gratitude by Brandon Lake.

I sit here just listening to this song and it's something I really needed to hear now. I have been dealing with a lot of personal challenges and to be honest the Lord has really been testing me here lately. I know that God has a plan but it's been so hard to see it and this song has really been something I needed to hear. I know that even though I go through challenges and trials that God knows what he's doing. I've heard it said time and time again "Let go and Let God". That's what I feel like I have to do at this point. I know that God is good all the time and all the time God is good. I know that the lord will always be there for me and that even though I go through tough times in life God still cares for me and still wants me to live for him and let him shine through me. Sometimes as humans that is a really hard concept to understand It's hard to understand why God does what he does and as the song says "So I throw up my hands and praise you again and again 'Cause all I have is a hallelujah". This song is basically saying that God is so good all you can do is just praise and worship him through anything. Good times and bad times. The bible says in 1st Thessalonians 5:16-17 that we are to "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you". This is so true and this passage goes along with the song perfectly. Even though sometimes it's hard to understand we should always be grateful for what God does and who he is. God is this almighty being and sometimes we as children of God need to remember that even though we screw up we can never screw up bad enough that God won't still love us. Now this isn't to say there aren't consequences for your actions whether that be a feeling of guilt or something else, but, God still loves us and still wants to do what's best for us as his children. God is so so great and with this song it just really helped me to realize that even through life's trials I still need to be greatful for God because sometimes those blessing may not be obvious in the moment, but later they will be. Thank you guys for reading... God bless!
All rights reserved for Bethel Music (Sound Recordings) (on behalf of Bethel Music); LatinAutorPerf, Capitol CMG Publishing, UMPI, ASCAP, Adorando Publishing, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., Bethel Music (Publishing), and 8 Music Rights Societies