God Heals The Broken Heart

God Heals The Broken Heart
It's not hard to get our feelings hurt, carry an offense, fall into bitterness and unforgiveness, and end up with a broken heart. People and situations can hurt us. What do we do when we feel this pain?
We often have physical emotions like sadness, anger, discouragement, etc. Those are human emotions that come and go. It's ok to have those feelings, but it is important to move past the emotions and not get stuck in them. If we change our focus, we push past those emotions.
It is important to forgive those who have hurt us. Honestly, sometimes people do not realize the offense they have caused. Some pain is intentional whereas some are completely unintentional. Forgiveness is for our benefit. If someone does not realize they hurt us, they go on about their business with no concerns about it. If we hold onto the offense, it eats us up from the inside out. Forgiving does nothing for the unaware person. Forgiveness does everything for us and we end up set free from whatever or whoever hurt us. When we release the hurt or offense, we are set free. We gain the benefit.
Praying and getting in God's Word is what will empower us to forgive and move forward. His Word is truth and based on God's love for us. Our focus shifts when we spend time with the Lord. Read, pray, worship, and repeat. Doing these things is where we find our freedom and overcome it.
Forgiveness is one part of the puzzle. Consumption of God brings transformation through renewing your mind.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2