Opportunities To Worship
We often think of worship as it relates to music. That is a wonderful way to worship! It is such a beautiful thing! There are so many additional ways to worship as well. Think about the last breathtaking sunset you saw or you could think about the person who showed you kindness when you were having a rough day. Have you ever been the recipient of a random act of kindness, like someone buying your coffee or lunch? Take a moment to acknowledge and say (or whatever is on your heart), "Thank you, Father. I know that was you. You are amazing!" Have you blessed someone just because it was in your heart? That takes it to another level. You aren't just honoring God with your words but also tangibly with what He has given to you. Your worship of the Lord overflowed into another person's life. That is powerful! You are not a reservoir holding God's love. You are the channel through which God's love freely flows. Our worship goes to Him and His love comes to us. What a wonderful exchange! Remember to take time today to worship your Heavenly Father who deeply loves you! #ChristianMusicMagazine #StoryMinistry #GodFriendedMe #WordUp #PartnerWithMentalHealth

We often think of worship as it relates to music. That is a wonderful way to worship! It is such a beautiful thing!
There are so many additional ways to worship as well. Think about the last breathtaking sunset you saw or you could think about the person who showed you kindness when you were having a rough day. Have you ever been the recipient of a random act of kindness, like someone buying your coffee or lunch? Take a moment to acknowledge and say (or whatever is on your heart), "Thank you, Father. I know that was you. You are amazing!"
Have you blessed someone just because it was in your heart? That takes it to another level. You aren't just honoring God with your words but also tangibly with what He has given to you. Your worship of the Lord overflowed into another person's life. That is powerful! You are not a reservoir holding God's love. You are the channel through which God's love freely flows.
Our worship goes to Him and His love comes to us. What a wonderful exchange!
Remember to take time today to worship your Heavenly Father who deeply loves you!