God Is In The Details

God is in the details of our lives. Have you ever felt compelled to do something and wonder how you on earth you will ever be able to do it? At times, I have taken it a step further and tried to figure out how it will all work out.
It doesn't take faith to obey God when we can do it all ourselves or figure it out by ourselves. Our job is to obey what the Lord says and He will take care of the details. After initially stepping out in obedience, the Lord will continue to guide each step we are to take and when we are to take them. The point is that we do not need to know every detail of everything before taking action.
In Matthew 10:30, the Word of God says, "And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." If God is concerned about how many hairs are on our heads, He is certainly able to handle and work out the details.
We have to trust that God is GOD and wants what is best for us.
God will not compromise to appease us. He is a Holy, Righteous, and Almighty God.
In the book of Leviticus, God gives specific instructions on how to conduct burnt offerings, grain offerings, fellowship offerings, sin offerings, and even wave offerings. God goes on the explain what animals, the blood, the fat, and the meat is all to be used for and how to use it. God is very specific about each offering.
Moses received these instructions and taught Aaron and his sons what the Lord commanded. Aaron and his sons were ordained as priests and began their ministry in Leviticus 8-9. But then we get to Leviticus 10. Two of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, did not follow the detailed instruction of the Lord. These two men offered an unauthorized offering before the Lord. Fire came out of the presence of the Lord and the men died.
Moses' responded with what God said and it is so interesting. "Among those who approach me, I will show myself holy; in the sight of all the people I will be honored." Leviticus 10:3
Many of us may be thinking, "Why would God do that? They had good intentions." Disobedience! The two sons did not honor God and His way of doing things as Holy. When we do what we think is best and disregard what God says, we sit in judgment of His Word.
With a God who is concerned with every detail of our lives and even numbers the hair on our heads, shouldn't we honor Him and His Word? If God specifically gives us instruction, we should specifically listen and obey, knowing that He knows what is best for us.
We think but God knows!
Remember God is Almighty and He is Holy. There are none like Him. He will not share His glory but will honor those that allow Him to be Almighty God in their lives, even in the details.