Righteous Judge

Many times when we hear of judgment, there is a negative tone to it. When we hear God's judgment, we often think of fire and brimstone. When we think of a judge's verdict, we see a giant gavel in hand.
The Bible talks about a loving and just God. God is love. God is truth.
When we go before a judge in court, we are expecting a verdict. The verdict is the final decision made by the judge.
This is the same when we are in God's courtroom. He renders a just verdict based on Truth and out of Love. God is a righteous judge and His verdict is just. When Satan brings a case against us in God's court, we should be prepared to answer. Our response is repentance, asking for mercy, speaking what God's Word says about us, and pleading the blood of Jesus. We are operating according to God's standards with His word. We are not fighting Satan. We are responding in God's court and expecting a just verdict.
We are Redeemed. Redeemed means to obtain release by means of payment. Jesus is the payment for our sins. Jesus stands as a witness with us and pleads our case. We plead the blood of Jesus which is applying forgiveness and redemption on our behalf.
Now, that is justice! Not only did Jesus redeem us, but He also comes to our defense as reconciled children of Almighty God.
We worship and magnify our Heavenly Father, Friend, and Judge in the name of Jesus!