Daily Word

Trials and Temptations

Trials and Temptations

Do you know the difference between a temptation and a trial?

Blaming God

Blaming God

Why Do We Blame God?

Lead By Love

Lead By Love

Most of our lives, we’ve lived with or been burdened by some type of doubt. What...

5 Excuses

A quick discussion of the five excuses Moses tried to use to try to NOT go to Egypt...

Getting  Locked Out Was A Blessing

Getting Locked Out Was A Blessing

Last night I got locked out of my house while taking out the trash...

Change Is Optional

Change Is Optional

Change is optional, not required...

New Found Peace

New Found Peace

A brief story on how my relationship with Jesus has been strengthened and renewed!

What in the church notes?

What in the church notes?

So this is a summary and breakdown of the points that the Preacher at church made...

Learning The Hard Way. How I came back to Jesus.

Learning The Hard Way. How I came back to Jesus.

This is my answer to "Why are you Christian?"

Stop Comparing Yourself

Stop Comparing Yourself

Stop comparing yourself to somebody who was never meant to be your standard. God...